Who is Life Balance Ninja?

So, to start, it’s actually two people. We’re Wes and Dave. We met at work many years ago and became firm friends. With our many shared experiences and personal journeys, we both developed a passion for understanding mental health, wellbeing and how to achieve a successful balance in life.

The main aim of the work we do is to normalise the discussion of mental health and wellbeing matters. We all struggle sometimes. Everyone should feel that they can (and often SHOULD) discuss it.

The blog is based on real life events, though some details may be changed so as not to identify individuals concerned. All views are our own and definitely does not replace professional advice.

Dave - Insta @life_balance_dave

I’m Dave. Husband, dad, leader, professional geek, occasional blogger and diagnosed depressive. Also a (very) amateur luthier. The words are pretty small but as with so many of us, the responsibilities are many and the stress can be high. It’s no wonder we struggle.


I have been on a personal voyage of discovery and wanted to share. Partly for myself (it helps to write it down sometimes) and largely to help others. Whatever you are feeling that brought you here is perfectly normal and there are steps you can take to help yourself. This blog aims to give pointers and to share our journey., and the things that help us. We hope it helps!


Wes - Insta - @life_balance_wes

I’m Wes. I’ve been a professional geek for all my working life, moving around in the IT sector. Outside of work I spend my time tinkering with cars, building PC’s, occasionally Wakeboarding and Snowboarding, as well as Gym. Gym was always my way of relieving stress when I started out on my mental health journey, and while still important as I have progressed I’ve realised there is much more to it.

Wes Face.jpeg

I got involved in Life Balance Ninja, for two main reasons, the first is writing blogs about my experiences helps me to take a step back and ensure that I am taking the advice I’ve had on my journey, and the second is to help people in similar situations with my experiences.