Social media is EVIL…except when it’s not.

We’ve been taking a lot about Social Media lately at Ninja HQ. Last week, our guest blogger Gemma wrote about some of the challenges it presents. This week, I’d like to speak out in defence of Social Media.

As a parent, I often talk to my children about how glad I am that I didn’t have to worry about Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or whichever you may choose. Being able to live those awkward teenage years without them being recorded for perpetuity. But whilst such offerings can cause much angst, they can also be… wonderful.

You see, there are many people out there who aren’t sitting ready to troll you. Make you feel “less”, but to build people up. The support and wisdom that I’ve personally gained specifically from my interactions on Facebook and Instagram have had a really positive impact on my life. I find myself really looking forward to our Tuesday Talks, which are starting to grow again after a quiet start to 2021. If you manage to find the right communities, the interaction can be uplifting and extremely positive.

Whilst I’d always advise people to be cautious online, it’s important to remember that it’s not all trolls and negativity out there.

Top tip from our very own Wes. If you have a page for your cute animal, comments are likely to be overwhelmingly positive. Maybe one day we will see the same being the case for human accounts.


OK, So I Love Being Depressed?


Social Media Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy!