Lost your mojo? Here’s how to get it back!

We all have times when we just aren’t “feeling it”. We get stuck in a rut that we can’t seem to get out of. Well, let me tell you one of the things that helped me.

It’s really easy to keep hitting that snooze button. Those precious few minutes before you have to get up and face the day.

A few months back I attended the first virtual edition of the Mental Health First Aiders www.mhfaengland.org course, offered by the fantastic www.skybounders.com. This was the “awareness” level course that admittedly I attended mainly because the full course was not yet available remotely. Due to all the learning I’d been doing, I wasn’t sure how much I would get for it, but hey - let’s give it a go!

I’ll likely mention a lot of this course on the blog over time, but one thing stuck with me. Get up and do something you love. Twenty minutes. That’s all.

Those can be anything. Walk the dog, draw a picture… for me, it was rekindling my love of guitars. Ever since, I’ve been playing every day and have even built my first two guitars. It’s great for taking some time for myself, it enjoying with the kids. Just had a tough call and need to clear your head? I’m lucky enough to still be a terrible guitarist and need complete concentration. Very quickly I’m able to focus again.

So that’s what works for me. What works for you?


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