For blog’s sake!

So, it’s Thursday night. Known at Life Balance Ninja as Blog Night. Wes and I will have a Teams call (the free version of Teams is pretty good) and discuss ideas for the blog, as well as generally setting the world to rights and talking things through. In fairness, it’s a good way to check in with each other regularly, and keep in the routine of speaking.

Anyway, this Thursday is different. We have both been absolutely flat out with work and I’m ill. Nothing to worry about, but I feel crappy. We agree that we should speak another night, but I have a niggle. You see, although I haven’t formally said it, I want this blog to be a weekly thing. Partly because I know it helps me, partly because I now know it helps others and largely because having lost interest in previous blogs, I feel I need the routine. Without it I fear the blog will fail.

I mentioned above that I know that the blog helps people. This was always our intent, but I’m not sure we knew that we would achieve it. This week we have announced the blog in a number of places. Personal Facebook, friends and colleagues etc. The response has been amazing! People have really related to the blogs so far and are also sharing with people they see that may benefit. This makes me happy 😊 The fact that the blog is enabling conversation about mental health and wellbeing is exactly what we are looking to achieve. People helping each other is so heart warming and reminds us all that the world isn’t such a bad place sometimes.

Oh, and to the reader who mentioned the blog on a conference call today - you made me equally embarrassed and proud. Thank you.

Finally, I stumbled across the below on Instagram this week and sent it to Wes. I caught him at a busy time and he said he’d join if his workload allowed. I reminded him of the need to make time for ourselves, but we also discussed the fact that life is always a balance. Sometimes different things have to take our attention, but always remember to take that step back to look at what your balance is. We all get out of whack - just be aware and address where you can.


It’s International Men’s Day!


Rough day? Time to use your toolkit.