It’s International Men’s Day!

When this post goes out it’ll be International Men’s Day. I’m not usually for gender-specific days like this, but in 2020, this seems important. 2020 has been a game changer for so many of us in so many ways, but one close to my heart is the #getmentalking initiative. Not necessarily the initiative itself, but two key things. Men really do struggle talking about mental health, and particular this year, many are finally opening up.

A quick scan of our instagram account shows some of the momentum this is having. Accounts like @bebraveuk, @mhsupport4dads, @psychologyjoe, @unopenedmale and @letsgetmentalking are fighting the good fight. Talking sessions seem to be popping up everywhere and having attended some, they are so needed and so useful. I feel like the world (whatever the gender) is finally waking up to the need for mental resilience and the need to nurture it. 2020 has delivered many curve balls, but with that has come a lot of opportunity. Hopefully over time our “new normal” will become easier. In the meantime, lets look out for each other and be stronger together. There is a lot of talk of “toxic masculinity” and its affects on us blokes, How about instead of telling each other to Man Up, maybe we Men Up together and offer support. Lets face it, I don’t know many people who don’t need it! As I say though - I feel the tide is now turning.

Happy International Men’s Day from us at Life Balance Ninja!

EDIT TO ADD… As someone who has been dismissed and even laughed at when attempting to discuss post-natal depression with a medical professional - this change is looooong overdue!


When do you know you need help?


For blog’s sake!